Thursday, April 23, 2015

Snakes on a plane!

Here comes the dark horse of the set, Snake Man!  Anyone who's enjoyed abusing the lack of low blocks and essentially playing lows and throws over the years, this guy is for you!  Lets dive in and see what I think about him.

First off lets talk about our character for a second.  At 6 HS 27 vitality he's got average stats.  Of his 3 symbols, I chose Chaos because while Life, and much more Earth, have a strong foundation base, they lack what I think is a sufficient amount of lows to kill with (though because of power wave, its close).  His enhance is slightly confusing to some so i'm going to clear it up for those who didn't get the answer already.  Each time you do his enhance to give +1 damage to lows till end of turn, they stack.  So if I go low attack, +1, low attack, +1, and low attack, +1,  The first is getting +1, the second +2, etc.  So in other words, he benefits from multiples greatly, which'll lead into my main reason for choosing Chaos that i'll go into.  His R is sort of like Tim Keefe, in that it gives you a way to exchange a card from your hand with your momentum, except here, you don't need to add a card back if you don't want to.

On to the deck: UFS ultra link

At first glance, the foundation base looks somewhat iffy, this is due to it being a post rotation deck and not every symbol being filled out yet.  Technically Chaos has a lot of foundations, but with a large number coming from the Lilith tin, they're not very useful in many non Lilith style decks.  It still has powerful foundations like Last ditch gamble, Wall of Goro, and Chaos' new toy Surveyor.

(Its like body of souls, yet better)

The attacks are where this deck really shines.  It has lots of strong poke moves with lots of +1s and + 0 blocks.  Search Snake can just keep coming back every turn, so your deck plus Snake Man's R and Surveyor give you inevitability; no bricking on no attacks with this deck.  The top card in this deck is Ura 121-Shiki Ama-No-Murakumo.

(Never thought you'd see this in a real deck, did you?)

This card is absolutely insane with Snake Man.  With lows, its easy to build up momentum from poke turns, and you have a few assets in this deck to help get more momentum.  The response itself also gives you a momentum, which you can use for the multiple right away, or use it with his R to pick it up.  This allows you to fish out a block to help defend yourself if you don't think you can win this turn.  If you get enough momentum to multiple this out, with no other attacks before it, this is 25 damage across 5 attacks!

Lastly, our assets.  There's just 1x Fortress because I haven't gotten to try this yet, and I don't want too many 3 difficulty cards.  Kyo's Jacket is what really shines with him.

(Yet another Kyo card.  Better go snag this quick folks!)

This does so many things with Snake Man.  Its damage pump for that first Murakumo before you multiple for the win.  Its a way to answer assets (commit seems to be the main way to deal with assets until we hopefully get something in Darkstalkers).  Also, momentum generation for all your multiples.  A cute trick you can do with this card is do Snake Man's response, pick up a momentum, put the same card back, then respond with this to get a free momentum.

Well there you have it, my take on Snake man.  I'll be looking forward to Darkstalkers giving me a more stable foundation base and possibly more momentum generation to make this guy get really crazy.

Snake Man art by Pixiv Id 5089537
All characters are property of Capcom
UFS is owned and operated by Jasco Games.

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