Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Deck Don't Matter #1
     Well with the new set now out everyone has been searching for the new “IT” deck and being excited for the post rotation format.  I decided to start out with a single card theory thanks to a great player and friend Brett Hillmann.  This plans to be the first of many articles that aim to focus on a single card strategy or a themed styled decks.  Some will have tournament level playability, and others will be just for the fun of it.    First of all, lets take a look at this single card.

Yep that is right, Teleporting Hatches.  Considered one of the worse rate cards in our set review is the first deck we will be digging into.  Now for this single card theory we will be using that follow deck designed by Brett to explain the many interaction possible because of this card.

Ben Shoemaker seems to have everything that an ally themed deck wants.  A aggressive 7 hand sized character that interacts with the foundation destruction and discard effect that is created by other the character and Teleporting Hatches.  This whole deck is designed to control the amount of foundations your opponent has in hand and also blow their hand away while you push through for victory.  This deck is currently just a theory but will be tested over the weekend

Interactions list

Pinbot Strike’s E: + Ben Shoemaker’s E:--This leads to a replaced foundation and your opponent is now now a card as well.

Teleporting Hatches + Ben Shoemaker's R:--Force your opponent to cycle a card and you gain a free momentum.

Ominous Whistle + Master of Masters + Teleporting Hatches + Shoemaker’s R:-  As long as you have a Ally attack in your hand you're always able to gain momentum and use that momentum to discard the other ally attacks to activate Ominous Whistle over and over.

Now I will say that I hope the Ally deck becomes something eventually.  But even with the limited cards for the at this time, I think there is something to be said about this unique deck style and just how good it can be.

Deck Designed by Brett Hillmann

All characters are property of Capcom

UFS is owned and operated by Jasco Games.

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