Monday, April 6, 2015

Metal Man!

Hello and welcome to our first of many UFS articles!  Before I get started talking about our first character, I want to talk a bit about plans for Total Justice Gaming.  In addition to our weekly stream Thursday nights at 9pm eastern, we plan to start up a twitch stream of us playing against people on OCTGN.  This will hopefully start as we get closer to Gencon and we want to talk about deck ideas for people to experiment with/defend against coming up at worlds.

The other thing of course are these articles on our website.  For the first few weeks here, plan is to put up decks featuring the new Mega Man characters to showcase a few ideas that have been floating around.  After we're done with those, I plan to start doing articles about anything UFS people want to talk about, whether its Turbo, Standard, rules changes, or just more decks.  Basically any ideas we can't fit into the show, or I want to expand upon from the show.  And now, on to our first character!  (Order of these characters is completely random and whatever comes to me first)

Metal Man!

So, we all know what he does now, and today, I'm going to build him off his most obvious/easiest symbol, Void.

UFS Ultra decklist

Metal Man x1

Killing Dinosaurs x4
8000 Degrees x4
A World Unprepared x3
High School Crush x2
Caught Red Handed x2
Athena's Knight x3
Steadfast Partner x3
A Matter of Heads and Tails x2
Dust in the Wind x4
Frightening Appearance x4
Fulfilled in Battle x4

Kaitenteki Kuutotsu Ken x3
M-4 Vapor Cannon x4
Maxima Press x4
Top Spin x4
Leaf Shield x4

Saw Blades x2

Revoke x3

As a starting note to these decks, if you'll notice all the cards in this deck are post rotation.  Myself, and probably many of you, are "sick" of the old Red Horizon cards we've had for forever, and this is my attempt to break away from that old format and prepare for the new.  Plus, gives us more room to play with new cards!

First off, lets talk about attacks, which I think are always the most important thing about your deck, after your character.  With 19 attacks, its +1 more than normal, but our attacks and character allow us to build while attacking, and also all of our attacks are 4 difficulty or less. Now at the same time though, none of these cards are big flashy win conditions.  This deck though operates on a slow, deliberate style of play instead.  Metal Man's enhances allow him to basically keep recycling cards he doesn't like for face down attacks.  The main strategy is to poke them down with Maxima Press, with his E allowing you to keep cycling and putting one back in your hand for next turn.  The catch 22 of M4 Vapor Cannon with his E makes it so, barring negation, you either deal damage and get a foundation at end of turn, or you get a block out of their hand and it goes down right away (allowing you to pick it up again).  Top Spin is in here because Metal Man can get full use out of this card, and if they don't have a low block, basically is repeatable card draw and damage for you every turn.  Also, picking this up on their attack with your E and playing it as a reversal with it seems very strong.

Foundations I won't touch on too much because there's not a lot to them.  I basically put in cards with void that were good and a little bit of synergy with the deck.  If you need to play the really long game/need them badly, you can recycle your Athena's Knights or caught red handed.  Fulfilled in battle is in there for the combo with leaf shield for an "omniblock" every turn, and 2 of your other attacks can also be picked up with it.

Lastly, the Assets and Actions.  Revoke is for stopping things you can't handle, and if you have to put one down early on, you can pick it up with his E if you know you'll need it soon.  Saw Blades is free speed pump, but more importantly, can tap down annoying things like Nailed it, damage reduction, some annoying character you don't like.  This card is very versatile and I think one of the best cards in the set, and should probably be at maybe 3-4 copies in the deck.

Well, there ya have it, our first Mega Man deck article.  Comment here or on our Facebook page if you want to talk about the deck or have suggestions.  More articles will follow, if you want a specific character, tell me in the comments and I'll try to get to them sooner.

Cover Photo Provided by Akuuji
Megaman Characters are a license of Capcom
UFS is owned and created by Jasco Games.

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