Monday, April 20, 2015

Dr. Wily - Making you fear Matairiku

So, how was everyone's prereleases this weekend?  Hope everyone had a blast cracking open Mega Man, which so far I'm finding to be a very fun set.  I unfortunately did not get to play in my prerelease because I was working at a convention to help grow UFS, but I got to grab some starters and what extras my friends got from drafting and got to sling around a few decks the off hours of my weekend.  Luckily I get to play in two events next week with our pals in Poughkeepsie.

Now on to our first deck review this week.  After experimenting with some starters while waiting for my preordered product, I decided to write up a Dr. Wily list to show off.  His two abilities are both incredibly strong if you build your deck around them.

UFS Ultra Link

I've thought about this man on and off after seeing some of his stuff spoiled awhile back at an Empire Circuit.  Earth has always been one of my favorite symbols, and I knew even with rotation happening and me losing my lovable throws, I wanted to go straight to Earth with him.  Earth gives you a very strong lineup of cards that lots of synergy with him.  You get Cataclysmic Force, Wall of Goro, Maxima Press (doubles as a throw and helps you build while you destroy your own stuff), and the absolute most insane card with him...Matairiku!


Let me explain how crazy this card is with him.  Normally this card is subpar looking because its a terrain ability that both players get, so your opponent gets to use it first.  But if they use it, they work into your plan.  Sure, they can target and destroy whatever they want of yours, but because of the new rules and ownership of effects and cards, you can respond with Wily and get a blank foundation.  So you can "trick" your opponent into destroying a foundation for you.

 Next this card becomes evil on your turn.  Its targeted destruction, ticks up Wily's E by 2 (1 destroy on each side) and taps itself for 4 damage!  Lets go through and average turn for this deck.  Play Holographic Buster, respond with Matairiku and destroy a ready, problem foundation. Then respond with Wily to replace your foundation. Enhance with Buster for +2 damage and another ready foundation down.  Tap Matairiku for +4 damage, and any foundation for Wily's enhance for 4 more (2 from Matairiku, 2 from Buster).  So for the loss of pseudo one foundation, you've played a 5 mid for 14, and you destroyed two of their ready foundations, essentially giving it +2 speed (less things for them to tap to pass).  And, if you had one of your throws, you could activate Matairiku again, and toss all this gigantic damage on that instead.  And this doesn't include if you have double crosser/driven by hatred/hidden in his shadow in play.

So now that the rant on matairiku is over, lets go over the attacks.  Holographic buster I think is the actual all star attack for the deck.  It doesn't have a block, but I think would be very unfair if it did.  It does so much for Wily.  Maxima Press and Tenchi Gaishi are there for you to push on damage.  Pinbot strike is a solid block and lets you blow up extra foundations during your turn and replace them again.  Flying Fortress buster is the only card I don't actually have yet, but Its crazy good stats and I'm sure will fit in well for this deck, though Gamma Crush also worked decently well, with it on average being 7 speed for 17.

Wily can put out absurd amounts of damage and keep himself ahead in the build game.  I'll need more testing to see if he's actually top tier or if he just seems very good because of how FUN he is to play.  Tell me your ideas for Wily folks, and I challenge someone to make an Ally build work (hint, Guts Cannon probably makes it work pretty well).  And on my last note, Regretful Existence is back folks!

(Ok, not exactly, but still good)

Artwork from Capcom
 All characters are property of Capcom
UFS is owned and operated by Jasco Games.

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