Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dabbling In Kaijudo

While this site is meant to cater to the UFS community there is times I will dabble in other card games to try them out. This time I'm going to give you a glimpse into the world of Kaijudo. 


Kaijudo has sprung up recently in the TN area though it's been around a little bit, as of these last two sets: Clash Of The Duel Masters and Shattered Alliance, it's become more prominent in the local gaming community.  So I decided to give it a try and honestly I kind of like it. The community for this is similar to that of UFS, its close knit with more concern about the players and the game rather than how to make a quick buck. The cards are fair in price and if you know what you like and what you want to play it's not going to break your wallet in two and leave you broke. The game shares many similarities with MTG such as the 5 color Mana system and MTG's color themes. It's not surprising really as it's also made by Wizards of the Coast. Kaijudo is America's second attempt at the game known as Duel Masters which skyrocketed and is still being released in Japan, but ultimately tanked in America. Of the 5 Civilizations that can be played in the game I ended up choosing the Light civilization if only for the reason having robots as its primary monster theme as well for a balance of both aggressive and control themes. I'm a player of aggressive decks, for as long as I can remember in my card gaming career, so naturally I went with a mono Light rush deck. I also own a mono fire rush deck as well; which I can say is probably the cheapest, yet most effective deck you can probably obtain in this game.

Kaijudo is the second attempt at the card game Duel Masters. The initial attempt was not that successful here in America, but is still being released and played quite heavily in Japan. It maybe in part to its cartoon, which was dubbed rather horridly, but such, is the fate of early syndicated anime. Meanwhile, back in Japan, the show is going on its 8th series, which of course continues to help in its counter part's popularity. Wizards of the Coast ran the initial game from 2004 through 2006 with a release of 12 sets before letting it go. June of last year saw the return of Duel Masters in the form of Kaijudo, once again brought to us by Wizards of the Coast. While some of the core mechanics are in place from the original game, the original Duel Masters cards are not compatible with Kaijudo.  Though a majority of the cards are reprints in terms of art work and abilities. Since Wizards of the Coast is one of the parent companies there is some similarity in between it and its most well know game Magic the Gathering. Much like Magic there are spells and creatures. There is also a mana pool consisting of 5 major colors: White, Black, Blue, Green, and Red. However in Kaijudo they are denoted as: Light, Darkness, Nature, Water, and Fire. Color themes also carry over from Magic into Kaijudo to a degree. Red, for example, focuses on creatures that can attack the same turn as they are summoned and spells that focus on outright creature destruction.
Now as I said I come from probably the closest if not the best community thus far in my career the UFS group. I literally have half the community on my phone and we know each other sometimes a little too well. I'm starting to get the feel of that same level of comfort from the Kaijudo community and that's a good thing. Community makes or breaks a game in most cases. The Facebook group and various community sites are a joy to find and read. It's refreshing to find a group that isn't trying to make money off the game. And while there are such things as Kaijudo Bazaar, it's not the sole reason for the community. I have been fortunate enough to find a good local group in The Game Cave which is co-owned by Dave Spear's who’s a great guy and sparked my interest in Kaijudo. Dave has been helping me with my light deck since I first picked my Civilization and is always happy to sit and help me test the deck and give me good solid advice and opinions.  Those little things go a long way in a new player and it's one of the reasons I'm going to be probably staying with Kaijudo and The Game Cave for a while.

Play style is something that I always struggle with in games. Over the course of my career I've been a control player (VS), an agro player, (UFS) and tempo player (Vanguard). However this time around with the appearance of Kaijudo, I find myself once again shifting in play styles as this game seems to make more sense to me as a rush player. For that reason I went with Mono Light Civilization. I decided with the help of Dave to go with Mono Light Enforcers Rush, which while has some light control elements is commonly known to kill by turn five. I'm no stranger to killing early thanks to my UFS career were turn 2 kills are frequent. My deck is the standard run of the mill list you see, though I lack the hard to come by card, SparkBlade Protector. However, the more I use the deck I just don't see the reason for the card to be in the deck. I'm sure the more experienced Kaijudo player's reading this probably just closed this article or asked themselves, "What's this guy thinking?! It's a staple!" Well the reason is that I prefer Keeper of Laws at the 4 and Beetle Prime at 5 and the game usually ends either the turn I play Prime or the turn after. Right now I don't see a reason to change that line up and Protector would be fighting for the spot at the 4 when I see Keeper as the superior choice. Sure, Protector is another double breaker with a power up ability, but Keeper let's me draw cards and can't be targeted.  As I get better at the game I've been looking into other Civilizations to expand into, and it seems like Fire will be the next one, but right now I'm content with Light.

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